Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Can Methyl sulfone used as a solvent?

Methyl sulfone (MSM) is an organosulfur admixture with the blueprint (CH3)2SO2. It is aswell accepted by several added names including DMSO2, methyl sulfone, and dimethyl sulfone. This achromatic solid appearance the sulfonyl anatomic accumulation and is advised almost apathetic chemically. It occurs by itself in some archaic plants, is present in baby amounts in abounding foods and beverages, and is marketed as a comestible supplement.
Dimethylsulfone, Me2SO2, and the agnate sulfoxide dimethyl sulfoxide, Me2SO, accept altered concrete properties. Dimethylsulfone is a white apparent solid at STP (m.p. = 109°C) admitting DMSO is a aqueous beneath accepted conditions. The sulfoxide is a awful arctic aprotic bread-and-butter and is miscible with water; it is aswell an accomplished ligand.  Methyl sulfone is beneath acknowledging than DMSO because the S-atom of the sulfone is already in its accomplished blaze accompaniment (8+). Indeed blaze of the sulfoxide produces the sulfone, both beneath class altitude and metabolically.
Use as a solvent
Because of its polarity and thermal stability, Methyl sulfone is acclimated industrially as a high-temperature bread-and-butter for both asleep and amoebic substances. It is acclimated as a average in amoebic synthesis. For example, displacement of aryl chlorides by potassium fluoride can be agreeably conducted in aqueous MSM. With a pKa of 31, it can be deprotonated with sodium amide, and the conjugate abject is an able nucleophile.
More about: Methyl sulfone sale
Read more: Chemicals